This one is from the nearly-bare vaults. The original recording was from the set Heckman and I did as a guitar-bass duo at our 20 year high school reunion last year. It was supposed to be a full band, but, you know, it wasn't. This one track, however, got a special reworking by Heckman a few days later when he added the drums and keyboard to it (without changing anything on the original tracks, I'm pretty sure). He did this thing he's been talented at for decades and of which he is now an undisputed master, which is playing a drum machine live and in real time along with previously recorded drumless tracks and having it sound good. You sort of have to see it to be properly amazed. In any case, the weird vocal effects, off the cuff keyboard track, and the crazy ambient noise provided by our classmates partying in the background give the whole thing a really unhinged, chaotic feel which is, believe me, many times more exciting that what we did in the room at the reunion.
Tom Heckman ~ Lead vocal, bass, keyboard, live drum machine
Rex Broome ~ Guitar, backing vocal
Basic tracks recorded live, August 2009, at the Wind Lea in Keyser, WV
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